Apparently These are Sarah Hyland’s Hard Nipples of the Day

Sarah Hyland creeps me out…and apparently these are pictures of her at the airport and they are being marketed as her “hard nipples”…and I feel like it is a lot like trying to stare at some pubescent girl at the pool in a one piece…with developing breasts with hard know the shit you may have had your first jerk off to when you were a teenager and it was ok to like pubescent girls…and not as a grown man who just loves everything about this…that’s just fucking weird and I hope you’re not a camp councilor, bus driver, social worker, or really anyone allowed around kids…

If you’re more into the teen girls who get their period at 7 thanks to emotional trauma thanks to her dad leaving them….you know the kind of girl who has double Ds by 16, this probably isn’t the kind of jailbait girl for you…especially considering she’s pushing 30…and just looks 12 and athletic…in some birth defect I think is hormone therapy her mom fed her to child star her…

Either way, who cares.


Apparently These are Sarah Hyland’s Hard Nipples of the Day August 24th, 2015