Lily Rose Depp and Stella Maxwell of the Day


Lily Rose Depp is hanging out with Stella Maxwell for Love Magazine, who are into posting anything controversial, or anything that will generate some buzz for them…it’s how they get paid in this world….which is coincidentally the same thing that Stella Maxwell is into right now that she’s at the peak of her career and really not deserving of her career…at least according to me…who really doesn’t give a fuck about who Victoria’s Secret cast, or who’s face Miley Sits on, because all these idiots are interchangeable and not memorable…

That said, Lily Rose Depp, is Johnny Depp’s 12 year old daughter, who I guess is out there on her own thanks to trust funds, and her dad being Johnny Depp, and I guess she’s living in LA, because that’s where everyone lives, especially when your dad owns all kinds of houses there, because he’s Johnny fucking Depp…and when your parents give you extreme independence because they are from the late 1980s and don’t really follow the rules of traditional parenting..

She’s gonna be something…she just needs to avoid these latch on bitches like this Stella Maxwell groupie bitch…

Lily Rose Depp and Stella Maxwell of the Day August 24th, 2015