Kimberly Garner’s Ass in a Bikini of the Day


Kimberly Garner is some reality star from the UK, who has been able to use the paparazzi to make her low level relevant..

I like to think her claim to fame was when she followed me on twitter or instagram or some shit…before realizing that I wasn’t someone she wanted as a friend because I’ve said things like :

” her Inner thighs, in all their fuzzy glory, are the gateway to her soul….a soul that she can thank for whatever successes she has….and by soul I mean her pussys…and by success I mean rich dudes willing to fuck her…”

But I guess her real claim to fame is this body…it’s like she’s a total nobody, at least in North America, but in a bikini, people care…and by people I mean perverts who like girls with bodies like this…

I mean if you’ve ever met British women, in all their brown teeth face rot, you’ll understand how this one got on TV…

To See Kimberly Garner in a Bikini… CLICK HERE

Kimberly Garner’s Ass in a Bikini of the Day September 2nd, 2015