Ashley Benson’s Day 2 in a Bikini of teh Day

Ashley Benson was in a bikini yesterday, and since I’m a basic bitch, I have decided, despite my protest, to do a #TBT post, because this happened, like most pictures posted on the site, prior to me posting them, I mean I guess everything in life is a #TBT even posting this, because it happened already….my mind is blown…fucked…but I’m not fucked…but wouldn’t mind being fucked…by chubby AShley Benson’s big tits…because in the last few months, I’ve been dying for a fat girl with big tits to smother me with said tits…

Sure, you’ll argue that she’s not fat, and that all girls look like this now, and they kind of do, thanks food production of the 2000s for that….

But I’m from the 70s, and this shit, is big girl, and big girls, even when celebrated and seen as normal because everyone around them, must still be treated like big girls…and that means…booty callled at 3 am drunk…for the tits…

That’s all for now on this…maybe we can do a #TBT on Friday with Day 3 of her bikini…

Ashley Benson’s Day 2 in a Bikini of teh Day September 3rd, 2015