Ashley Benson’s in a Bikini on Snapchat of the Day


People get made when I call Ashley Benson chubby…

That said, Ashley Benson is chubby…

Maybe not in normal person standards, like the girl next door you jerk off to when she’s in a bikini may be fatter.

But this is Hollywood, crazy famous, on a massive show, Ashley Benson…..and if we ignore the current leaders acting from Amy Schumer, Jennifer Lawrence, to the Fat AUstralian, who Ashley Benson is clearly not as fat as…and if we ignore girls we fuck who are not hollywood…I think we can all agree…or you can just complain about me calling some girl fat while looking at her snapchat pics..

Ashley Benson’s in a Bikini on Snapchat of the Day September 4th, 2015