Diora Baird Breast Feeding of the Day

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Diora Baird has some huge fucking tits. Her name should be Big Tits Sally…which is what I call every girl I see with big tits walking down the street because I am a misogynist who notices big tits for more than their purpose of breast feeding, because I believe they have the ability to multi task and also be something I can jerk off to…and I’ll even prove that theory…right now…with these Diora Baird pics…

That said, Diora Baird is from Miami and was in Wedding Crashers…

That said, I don’t know why people feel compelled to fight for the right to breast feed, I’ve never complained when seeing a girl breast feeding, and feel if anyone has it was other women…

Bitches are so catty!!

Diora Baird Breast Feeding of the Day September 11th, 2015