Alice Exx Heart Shaped Nipples and her Pet from Australia of the Day

Alice Exx is some babe from Australia, I don’t really know anything about her, she hasn’t agreed to go on any dates, she’s not an ex girlfriend, we’ve never made passionate love like out of a daytime soap opera and we haven’t had a Disney Romance…She hasn’t come over to to cuddle with me…we have never NETFLIXED and Chilled…and I didn’t match her on Tinder, so I’m not sure I know how how to deal with her, as tinder girls are the only ones I understand these days…(not sponsored by tinder, but should be, send me money you DOT COM BILLIONAIRE FASCISTS )……

Maybe it’s got to do with not being in Australia, but lucky we have a correspondent in Australia , Art Provocative , sending me all kinds of pictures of all kinds of people…often times sex workers and sometimes just local babies…and in this case Alice Exx i and her heart shaped nipples…that like are like an emoji but better….because they are nipples.

All this to say..this is a pretty perfect shoot…

Alice Exx Heart Shaped Nipples and her Pet from Australia of the Day September 15th, 2015