Kylie Jenner Posts Butt Shots of the Day

Kylie Jenner is freshly 18, yet her ass totally looks like a mid-20s instagram whore…who gets ass injections…to make herself more appealing at the Vegas pool parties…and clubs…

We call it doing the Kim Kardashian, only those trashy instagram models, aspiring to be Kim Kardashian, have probably spent more time with Kim Kardashian than Kylie. I went to this the other day, the family is too big and self absorbed, that conversation is probably awkward and weird…especially since the mom is trying to turn this one into the new Kim…in body and shade of skin, as being the beige girl who fucks black guys has done amazing for them…they tried it with OJ’s daughter, Khloe Kardashian, but it didn’t work, because everyone assumed she was a the tranny in the family…

Either way, she’s out there with this hip hop video vixen instagram model bootleg, but rich as fuck, body…and persona…so I guess it makes total sense that she’d facetune some booty pics for her FANS…

I am glad the world is more flimsy than they used to be, less loyal, it gives me hope that there will be a move away from all this evil…

Our fickle taste….should take us off instagram, facebook, and the Kardashians…

It probably won’t happen, but in the meantime, Kylie and her plastic surgery have a roundish butt…good times…

Here’s a video of Kylie…

Kylie Jenner Posts Butt Shots of the Day September 23rd, 2015