Taylor Swift and Mick Jagger Ruin the Music Industry of the Day

Taylor Swift is collecting more and more people everyday. It’s like her concerts are just a who’s who of who Taylor Swift knows. It’s like she’s so fucking rich and ridiculous, like the weirdo spoiled girl, who listens to her “Apple Radio”…because she fucking loves “Apple Radio”….and calls her management and says “I was just listing to Rolling Stones, let’s get Mick on stage with me, make it happen”…you know like a weirdo kid with no childhood, playing make-belief, only real life, because she’s rich..

I find everything about her awkward, especially when she dances sexy, even though she fucks more than a street hooker, in a similar approach that she has to concerts…in a “I want that guy’s cock hitting me against the back of my throat, management, make it happen”…but more private…

I do like how how skinny and long and lovely her legs and body are….and since I only focus on what is important, which is her appearance, her sex appeal, and not her content and marketing programs…the legs, even dancing awkward, in various squats work for me….but don’t actually work for me…I would have to be more of a K-Fed for that.

Universal Music Group is deleting this video…so let’s call it “Banned from Youtube”…we’re not allowed to post videos from concerts we go to and pay money to see…we can give these assholes our money….fuckers.

I’m a fan of the Rolling Stones…I like what they did for Black Chicago blues from the UK…I understand their fame and fortune…but at 75 and rich as fuck, we can only assume this is Mick Jagger doing a favor for one of his hundreds of grandkids around the world…because otherwise it’d be so desperate…for someone…who doesn’t need to be desperate…Either way, it’s weird.


Taylor Swift and Mick Jagger Ruin the Music Industry of the Day September 28th, 2015