Elisa Meliani by David Bellemere of the Day


Elisa Meliani is someone I’ve never heard of, but after extensive research, it turns out that she’s a model out of Paris…

her INSTAGRAM …like so many instagram…of girls who aren’t french…but hungry or rather thirsty for fame, thirsty for that big break, and willing to get naked for free for it…in a “look at my fucking pussy, it is beautiful, women are beautiful objects, showing my body is just celebrating the woman form”…for free…and for perverts…but who cares…when it’s in France, it just seems like what people do…

The pics are by David Bellemere, who is a great photographer, he gets all these girls naked, all the time, and not just girls from France, but also girls in America…..and the girls get naked for him because girls get naked for anyone with a camera…especially if they are french, because french people are perverts without actually being labeled perverts, but instead just considered French…an thus passionate…even if they are just perverts…

Good excuse to get girls like Elisa…to show the world her pussy…probably for free…because #France.

This reminds me of some 80s bikinis shoots I used to jerk off to in the 80s…and I like it.

Elisa Meliani by David Bellemere of the Day October 6th, 2015