Jennifer Lawrence Gives Dudes Piggy Back Rides of the Day

Jennifer Lawrence is taking a lesson out of the Taylor Swift school of bullshit friendships to show the world you’re a normal, tolerable person…and like Taylor Swift, her “friend”…she is now creating her own army…of comedians..

I guess in her quirky, weirdness, she feels as though she’s a comedian at heart…maybe a comedic genius and that’s why she falls all the time, or says insane things all the time, and it has nothing to with her being some mentally fucked up, sold to hollywood at a young age by her parents, before selling herself out to a franchise movie that makes her big fucking money, while doing other big box office roles for Academy awards, because the stories are more compelling…and they still pay her her rate…because she’s so high in demand…something that I find amazing, but not as amazing as her tits…tits I decided I liked and tits that made her more interesting to me…after she leaked her sexts…to make her seem more human and have sex appeal she knew she had but was too awkward to really have…

So now, these Comedians who are ultra fucking famous, because “comedy”…is the new reality star, and comedians get into the hearts of everyone…through laughter…even if they are like this Brown dude and the jokes are fucking safe and lame…because men are encouraged to be tame, pansies now…or like Amy Schumer…where they are just some fat chick making jokes about getting gang banged…and throat fucked…because girls are encouraged to be raunchy now…both of whom are Jennifer Lawrence’s crew…who she piggy backs….even though any immasculated dude letting a chick piggy back ride him…probably also lets a chick peg him…

This is lame…



Jennifer Lawrence Gives Dudes Piggy Back Rides of the Day October 12th, 2015