Lea Michele for Marie Claire of the Day

Lea Michele must be promoting something…or trying to stay relevant…but I think it’s more her trying to promote herself…now that she’s had a fiance die of a drug overdose, who I doubt was actually her fiance…but who the show GLEE, that she headlined….as the tranny…who sang like an angel..

Either way, she was in Women’s Health…questionable magazine to be featured in….considering the possibly testicles her manly face makes me think she has…and now this…Marie Claire…trying to be how and looking kinda hot…but that may be my perversion speaking…I see breasts and my rational thought shuts down…even when I don’t find the host body hot…but she’s showing off some body..what’s going on here Lea Michele…some sort of rebrand is happening…and we can assume now that she’s rich and famous and has a ego and feels talented…she’s probably working towards a film career…like the next Cameron Diaz or some shit…horrible…why can’t these people retire…

Lea Michele for Marie Claire of the Day October 16th, 2015