Sophie Simmons in a Bikini of the Day


Sophie Simmons is really committed to this instagram model thing. It’s like being the daughter of a billionaire rockstar and Playboy model isn’t enough for her. It’s like she can’t just find better hobbies like helping the poor, or refugees or really anything…but instead she’s paying for self involved photoshoots, that she is the star the most vapid and useless thing a bitch could do…

Is she addicted to likes, is she that vain that she feels the need to share herself with the world, is she just an exhibitionist and this is the only way she can cum, or is she looking for love her dad was too busy to give her, or is she just like her dad and wants to spread her seed…or is her dad paying her becauase it keeps people talking about the brand he loves more than her..

Who knows…but bikinis…

Sophie Simmons in a Bikini of the Day November 2nd, 2015