Adele Wet for Rolling Stone and It Didn’t Break My Anything but Taylor Swift’s Ego of the DAy

Adele is on the cover of Rolling Stone, because she’s the biggest fucking act in the world, which would be offensive, or disgusting if she wasn’t knocking Taylor Swift off her undeserved throne.

You see Adele, despite not being very hot…sings songs that people actually connect to…with a voice that is more than some vapid cunt talking her lyrics about boys being jerks..or whatever Taylor Swifts low hanging fruit cash grab is…

I don’t know Adele or anything about Adele, I just know she’s not in the media all the time, she’s not doing stage shows featuring anyone and everyone of interest…like she’s running some kind of variety show…latching onto anyone with an audience… I just know fuck Taylor Swift…she’s garbage and must be taken out….

She did an extensive interview HERE that I didn’t read…but I did see this….and based on her body…it’s shocking …

“I’m not, like, skipping to the fucking gym. I don’t enjoy it. I do like doing weights. I don’t like looking in the mirror. Blood vessels burst on my face really easily, so I’m so conscious when I’m lifting weights not to let them burst in my face. And if I don’t tour, you’ll catch me back down at the Chinese!”

I guess it’s just unfortunate that they didn’t do a photoshoot of her balancing a champagne glass on her fake ass implant…or that the shoot wasn’t her and the Jenners having a garden party in lingerie…isn’t that what the people want?


Adele Wet for Rolling Stone and It Didn’t Break My Anything but Taylor Swift’s Ego of the DAy November 3rd, 2015