Pia Mia Perez Fake Tits in a Bikini Cuz She’s a Fame Whore of the Day

Pia Mia Perez is some girl who was exploited by her parents at a young age in US Guam…before coming to mainland to make her way as a social media whore…I figure as an asian, it was send her to mainland china to work the factory, to GUAM airforce base to work the stripclub for the troops, or do the hollywood thing…

Well, now she’s got fake tits..or at least it seems like fake tits on her little body…because it allows her parents to maximize their earnings with her and her youtube channel…as they push her into the hip hop singing nonsense she’s doing…

Pia Mia Perez Fake Tits in a Bikini Cuz She’s a Fame Whore of the Day November 10th, 2015