Juliette Gone Bananas for Pineapples by Emanuele Ferrari of the Day


The models name is Juliette. She seems like a lot of fun as she plays with fruit…unfortunately not the way at least 10 girls from Tinder have played with fruit for me…yes….I have been sent banana sex videos that I’ve probably requested thanks to my insertion fetish and their having Bananas as the only phallus in the kitchen…I tried rolling pin…I tried frying pan…I tried dammit…but bananas were good…

I’ve been following the photographer… Emanuele Ferrari for at least a week, probably longer..I know zero to nothing about her…I don’t even know if she is a she…but if she was, it’d probably be easier to recruit hot enough hipsters to get topless in American Apparel boy underwear…a fetish that exists and that I actually know a dude who has it…and I always thought it was weird..but mainly because the underwear he was into girls wearing was little kid superhero underwear…just fucked up…but that has nothing to do with any of this….

Juliette Gone Bananas for Pineapples by Emanuele Ferrari of the Day November 18th, 2015