Danielle Harris Ass Tattoo of the Day


Horror Queen….star of Halloween 4 and Halloween 5….I don’t know who she is, I’ve probably posted on her at least once, but I do know that she’s out of control with her tattoos…at 38…even though tattoos are cheesy…but I guess she’s out of touch…enough to be posting bare ass pics – in what looks like someone threw up some fucking disgusting colorful mess on her…like they just ate a box of crayons and found out that it was toxic as she was walking out of the shower or some shit…dripping down her fucking leg…and I guess if you get tattooed aggressively enough at 38…it looks like you’re wearing pants…even if it’s bare skin..

Pretty gross…but I hate tattoos…some of you weirdos probably love them…so take it in…

Danielle Harris Ass Tattoo of the Day November 19th, 2015