Miley Cyrus’ New Outfit of the Day

Miley Cyrus may be a little fake in what she does. It may be this try hard attention seeking hustle that is almost mocking the entertainment industry and every tumblr girl who smokes too much weed…it just doesn’t feel all that sincere but with every try hard, identity crisis, thanks to having no childhood and being surrounded by people who just suck up to her…they eventually try so hard…they get that authenticity…

I like her, I like what she’s doing, at least it’s racy, interesting, fun, and she doesn’t take herself too seriously…

Beyond that, at least she can sing and dance and perform like an actual talent…

I’d rather that than all these instagram models who think they are Miley Cyrus or more important than Miley Cyrus, despite being more of a talentless Kardashian…trying to get famous for the sake of being famous…

Miley’s tour is on, she’s being silly, I dig it…and I’m not just saying that because i’ve seen her pussy, even though I have seen her pussy, and so have you if you visit this site..I’m saying it because she’s good….. CLICK TO SEE HER MOST RECENT NUDES

Miley Cyrus’ New Outfit of the Day December 7th, 2015