Selena GOmez is my favorite pre-marital sex Catholic Mexican girl..who probably has no soul, thanks to her mom selling her off to the entertainment industry, but she does have conviction and day after day she goes out there to be a pop singer…like she was Taylor Swift…despite having never done one single hit that anyone beyond a bunch of 12 year old girls who liked her because she fucked bieber…could stomach…the same 12 year old girls she’s saying “hey look at my tits, the media loves my tits, I got them when I was undergoing the lowest dose of Chemo, which has been a great sympathy card to play, as Cheemo makes people think of dying kids”….when really the only thing dying about her, is any dignity she may have as a perfomer…you know as the realization that she’s not ever going to be a huge pop star and that she should go back to TV acting… slowly sets in….
I guess the takeaway from all this is that people still love talking about tits…thank god.