Lindsay Lohan in the Sauna VS Jennifer Lawrence of the Day

Yesterday – I posted these amazing pictures of dream girl, the one who got away, my everything, Lindsay Lohan…by the amazing Ellen Von Unwerth for some magazine about Tofu….

Today, I post Lindsay Lohan in the Sauna because this bitch is fire, despite what Jennifer Lawrence is saying about her..which in case you didn’t know is:

“I’m a puker. I don’t stop working .?.?. until eventually my body’s just like, ‘If we don’t make her barf or pass out, she won’t stop…I get, like, Lindsay Lohan-grade exhaustion, but without any drugs or alcohol.”

What….why the fuck would this nude selfie bitch use Lindsay Lohan as an adjective. You know someone like Jennifer Lawrence who may be at the peak of her career, may fade out as soon as a replacement comes in. Her franchise is done, people still love her and cast her, she’s an award winner and get in key movies, but anyone with a brain knows that acting requires no talent, anyone can do it, and when the marketing behind her stops, or she gets lost somewhere deep inside Amy Schumer’s anus….we’ll all forget she exists and her tits exist…but Lohan…Lohan is forever…she’s memorable, she’s existed, she’s a personality, and in my opinion more interesting that Jennifer Lawrence will be…but then again, Jennifer Lawrence did have those nude pics scandals and looked amazing, so maybe I should turn my back on Lohan like she did to me…and support a new overpaid bitch…but I just can’t…my heart is in Lohan..but unfortunately my penis isn’t…while she’s suffering from exhuastion..

I guess what I’m saying is that people need to lighten the fuck up, Lohan did publicly shame herself, she created the drug addict reputation, she because un-hireable, so what the fuck is her problem…yes Lohan, you are a fucking drunk, you blamed in on exhaustion, and just because she’s clean in Europe working on herself, doesn’t mean it didn’t fucking happen….

She should probably pay Jennifer Lawrence for the shout out, it’s the biggest thing Lohan has done all year…

What it comes down to – is that this is the lamest spoiled brat beef ever…and I should kill myself for writing about it…what has my life become…

Here’s Jennifer Lawrence, the new Lohan Lohan Never Was…and Her Tits over the last few days probably talking about Amy Schumer – her only friend who is an outsider liker her…but who will probably eat her up whole the second she’s done leveraging the friendship…

Lindsay Lohan in the Sauna VS Jennifer Lawrence of the Day December 16th, 2015