Bella Thorne’s Tight Christmas Pants of the Day

I know we’re all done with Christmas, who gives a fuck about that over commercialized shit, that uses religion to sell product, to keep the economy prospering, forcing people to go into debt due to guilt of ruining Christmas in what is almost a perfectly oiled and crafted selling machine….

I know we can’t stomach more Christmas songs, our egg nog hangover gone and Jimmy Stewart’s voice has been locked away in our brains until next year….

But as a pervert, I am perfectly fine revisiting Christmas pajamas, especailly ridiculous Christmas pajamas, that a mom would wear trying to find joy in her pathetic, boring, uninspired, routine, miserable life…only packaged as a 18 year old, despite looking 40, because pretending to be 18 is better for business..and it’s working well for Bella Thorne, people are all about her, even if it’s creepy and not because she’s 18, but because she says she’s 18 and looks 40….

I guess what these Christmas pictures imply is that she’s not a Jew.

If you’re not done with Christmas, here’s Daniel Stern the Wet Bandit from Home Alone releasing another video in Character, without Joe Pesci, because I guess it was the biggest role of his life, it’s the best time to draw attention to himself, and most actors, when not reading scripts are absoultey batshit.. of the Day

Bella Thorne’s Tight Christmas Pants of the Day December 28th, 2015