Torrie Wilson’s Bikini Run of the Day

Torrie Wilson was a wrestler, but not the kind of wrestler I like, you know the drunk slutty single mother who wants to make the 150 dollar prize money at the local bar mud wrestling event to pay for her babies formula…or the college girl wresler at the bar who is dabbling with lesbianism while drunk for her male audience…while half nakedly grinding up with another girl before tonguing her ass….in a silly drunken stupor….you know because lesbian sex is by definition wrestling…

Torrie Wilson is more of a wrestler who was hired as more of a model or Glamour girl that the WWF threw into the mix to make watching wrestling a less gay experience…for the hicks, inbeds and retards they market to..

Now, Torrie Wilson is running on the beach in a bikini…not quite naked as the Playboy shoot I am pretty sure she did, but am too lazy to google, but still a fit cheesy 90s looking bitch in a bikini which I guess is magical….to her fans..

Torrie Wilson’s Bikini Run of the Day December 30th, 2015