What’s In Hilary Duff’s Pockets of the Day

Here’s a new drinking game, only because everything is a drinking game to me, except actual drinking games, because I hate participating with people, playing along with people, even if I have won every single game I have ever played, without trying, because people are either idiots…or I am a superior intelligence, who has chosen to drink away my life, because there’s no point in becoming a billionaire….even though billionaires, like Hilary Duff’s ex husband, who along with being a billionaire…is also a well paid pro hockey player…because I guess when you’re a billionaire your family can hire the right coaches for you…get to fuck Hilary Duff..

I am not hugely into her big thighs, but I am very into how much she can shove into her back pockets, she’s like a military or first responder…only with iphones and wallets and whatever else is in there…and you know how I feel about first responders and their utility belts…coupled with rich as fuck girls…who just like having their hands free….but I prefer bare asses.

What’s In Hilary Duff’s Pockets of the Day January 5th, 2016