Padma Lakshmi Billionaire Bikini Life of the Day

Padma Lakshmi, is an Indian celebrity chef, who is only a celebrity chef because she is hot, and navigated her way to relevance via the men that she fucked…..

She was married to a 80 year old billionaire, before getting pregnant with another Billionaire’s kid, while pretending it was the 80s year old billionaire’s kid, so that when he died the kid would get his fortune as his sole heir, and after he died, she’d reveal the real father of her kid is another billionaire, to double dip, as it wouldn’t void the first billionaire money as he was dead and the family would have to go through an extensive legal battle with her…

She’s got abs, but is actually 50 years old….and a mom…because looking good made her matter, because insiders I know say she can’t even fucking cook…

She’s traveling the world…in a bikini and posting pics…so here it is…her winning at life thanks to her pussy and just a little Slumdog millionaire street smarts…

Padma Lakshmi Billionaire Bikini Life of the Day January 6th, 2016