Candice Swanepoel Engaged Ass of the Day


I like seeing these pictures of Candice Swanepoel making out with her longtime boyfriend…who she is now engaged to, because that’s how models do these things, they get old and pregnant and are still hot, but the mom hot kind, which is really only appealing to 60 year old billionaires, tired of fucking the 20 year old models, because they just aren’t serious enough…

The reason I like seeing these pictures of her kissing up on her longtime boyfriend…is because I know people who have fucked her in the last 10 years of her “dating” him…maybe they were on a break, or maybe he was like “my girlfriend is Candice Swanepoel, I’ll let her fuck anything she wants as long as the money comes in, and if I stick with her, I’ll marry her and we’ll make good looking babies, who cares who she fucks for work, she’s a model and that’s code for hooker anywhere, and no one needs to know, we can pretend it never happened”….it’s usually the story of every wife, you know her husband fucking hookers on business trips…but the opposite, since she’s the one with the job and thus the dick…

I guess what I am saying is all relationships are lie, some of them just have better asses..and make more money than others.

Candice Swanepoel Engaged Ass of the Day January 8th, 2016