Ronda Roussey’s Pussy of the Day

So Sports Illustrated strategically posted a pic of Ronda Roussey’s ass in a body painted bikini, to generate some buzz, intentionally for the Ronda Roussy appearance in the latest issue, in efforts to remind people the magazine still exists, in a world where instagram pics make bikini photoshoots obsolete…

Part of that campaign is tying in TMZ for the exclusive behind the scenes as support to the tease…”OMG IT IS RONDA ROUSSEY, WE COULDN’T TELL BY THE TATTOO”…and one of those body painted pics features manly tits, on a many body, with a but of a manly pussy slip…that people are pretty excited about…because you’re all a bunch of faggots…

Ronda Roussey’s Pussy of the Day January 8th, 2016