Kristina Sheiter by Kesler Tran of the Day

There are too many aspiring models, who aren’t quite actual models, but are so vapid and lazy that all they want is to be a model, getting naked for random photographers who are virtual no names but have an instagram following, for magazines that barely exist, but that I like to pretend I’ve had a subscription to for the last 20 years, because their journalism is just that on point, that I can’t imagine a life without them…you know up on some National Graphic expedition level content, only the “naked girl in an apartment on a bed for free” version…run through a ton of fucking filters, not even interesting or documentary of the youth, but rather staged cheesy posed shit…but they are naked and naked girls, who get naked for free, are naked…and I love naked and so do all dudes making people like this semi-matter….not enough to get paid, but enough to get followers, which in turn will get them paid…it’s a grind…a lazy fucking grind…that all comes back to “why do you want to be a famous model again?”…what went wrong in her life or in society that value is put on being another one of the thousands of naked girls who are too pussy to do porn, but who aren’t too pussy to get financed by rich dudes, because I guess they think they deserve it..modern stripping maybe….modern hooking…social media to get the good life paid for…who knows…it’s just garbage…and here is Kristina Sheiter, another one of these thousands of girls, out there naked to grow her audience…hoping to go viral and mainstream, while hoping the dudes who are paying extra for raw unprotected sex that are playing the Boyfriend part…don’t make her go viral in the herpes way…but they will…and I guess it’s worth it….

Here are some pics for Treats!, the hub of LA sugar babies shooting pics for no real reason in magazines no one really cares about..but she’s hot – so let’s help her live that dream!

Kristina Sheiter by Kesler Tran of the Day January 19th, 2016