Lara Stone threatened to sue me a long time ago – because I posted pics of her honeymoon, that weren’t even interesting or Scandalous, in fact these pics of her in her bikini in Australia is far more hardcore than her and some fat comedian she was sugar babying because he was rich, awkwardly in the Mediterranean….or wherever they were…
Doesn’t matter, she’s old now, a divorcee and a cunt who sues broke, drunk website people if they don’t comply with her demands…so I hate her…as much as I can hate a bitch who’s tits WE HAVE SEEN BEFORE …
That doesn’t mean we’ve seen Lara Stone’s tits nearly enough..because we aren’t married to her…and I guess either is her Comedian boyfriend who dropped her fucking ass, so we aren’t really forced to deal with her shit that after a few months or years gets real fucking tedious real fucking fast…and that take her away from being a model we want to fuck to becoming a model we can’t get rid of…needy and demanding whore……
Leading to all tits…from the fat chick at the McDonalds you’re getting lunch at…to the neighbor…to any girl who isn’t Lara Stone’s tits more appealing…..
We are pure and honest Lara Stone big titty observers….who aren’t very tainted by all that is wrong with her personality…and here she is in a bikini..