Elizabeth Banks is one of the most powerful or richest women in comedy…which is saying a lot considering she was an F List actress for the majority of her career, we’re talking most of her 20s and 30s, but I guess when she pulled her head out of her ass and realized that when you’ve got the foot in the door, and you put your ego aside and give up on trying to be the hot chick, and instead decide to be the funny chick, you can put out some terrible fucking movie like Pitch Perfect and make 100 million dollars…or more…and all it takes is one fucking Franchise, just ask George Lucas, to make you that money and that you can ride into your retirement and not really do anything but that ever again….that can be it…you just need that one hit…and Vanity Fair will be featuring your tits like they matter…when prior to Pitch Perfect, even Playboy didn’t care about running a spread with you….
So don’t think big, think gimmick novelty you can sell the fuck out hard..and then you’ll matter…