Emilia Clarke’s Pushing Up them Tits of the Day

Emilia Clarke is some Game of Thrones actress, and you know how that works out for a girl when she’s on some Fantasy Sci/Fi shit that features dragons and Fairies and other ComicCon type things….and that’s pretty fucking well…

From a young age, I remember seeing the kids at my high school up on some Dungeons and Dragons shit, and when I did my High School equivalency a decade later, back when I was into self improvement, I saw the kids playing Magic the Gathering, and when I went to college in the late 90s for a semester or two in video production to become a pornographer, something I never did even though it’d be easy…there was a Sci/Fi Fantasy club where the weirdest fucking late 90s Tank Girl dressed weirdos would make me fell uncomfortable with their unshowered smell of stale sperm and the one girl they passed around…wearing their trench coats, staging foam sword battles, with likeminded weirdos…pre internet..and that is that those dudes are so passionate and loyal to their cause…in their weirdness that they have no grasp of social norms…meaning their obsessive compulsive disorder sees no limits…and their love for these bitches sees no limits…and the good thing is they just jerk off to her rather than know where she lives as love makes people do weird thing…and love makes weirdos in love with a girl because of her character – make WEIRDER shit..


Emilia Clarke’s Pushing Up them Tits of the Day February 9th, 2016