Mike Myers is a Little Bitch and Caused my FB Ban of the Day


So this little bitch is named Mike Myers, probably not his real name, but who really needs a name when you’re a a little bitch…was polluting my FB page about THIS PEYTON MANNING STORY saying shoving your asshole in an employees face is “frat boy” and not sexual assault. Idiot. Frat Boy and Sexual Assault are SYNONYMS in the Thesaurus.

Either way, she reported this comment I wrote directed at him on facebook….which was amazing..because I am so funny.


He blocked me, obviously that’s what little bitches do, and now I am blocked on FB for 30 days. No comments, no posts, no FB chat, no sexting, no nude pics, no good times..having my privacy raped by an evil man named Mark Zuckerberg who makes billions off my information thanks to his autism figuring out a way to manipulate simple minded humans giving them a tool to do what they do…for 30 days….30 fucking days…


What happened to freedom of speech, freedom of the press and telling a little bitch that you want 7 black trannies to rape him…if you can’t say that on FB or anywhere, there is the justice, our freedom has been attacked and we have to ask is this life really worth living…

So let him know how he’s a little bitch – CLICK HERE

So let him know how he’s a little bitch – CLICK HERE

So let him know how he’s a little bitch – CLICK HERE


These are the idiotic comments mine was in response to – it was going on for a solid 30 minutes and the asshole wouldn’t shut up with his bullshit.

Mike Myers is a Little Bitch and Caused my FB Ban of the Day February 14th, 2016