Megan Fox on TV of the Day

Megan Fox talks about her cross dressing child, she talks about how her kids telling her when she was in her womb that they are bohemian revolutionaries and a whole lot of other broken girl botox filled shit…

These actors who start out in this shit young, who are thrown into this vapid world and her are abducted and procreating with David from 90210 are so distorted and fucked up that they need to dig into the world from their self absorbed, ignorant, uneducated place to find purpose..

“I must be more than tits dudes wanted to fuck in a series of shitting fucking movies”…”I must be more than a talentless idiot with millions of dollars”…and with all that free time on her hands – she’s figured it all out…garbage…

Megan Fox on TV of the Day February 19th, 2016