Naya Rivera To Play Kim Kardashian in the Kardashian Biopic of the Day

I guess this is old news, but Naya Rivera was once on GLee, she got fired for pissing off Lea Michele for having a vagina or some shit, something Lea Michele always wanted, but never could pull off because she was too busy paying off her Fiance’s funeral and the therapy that she had to go through dealing with her fake relationship set up to market their show…

But now, she’s morphed into Kim Kardashian. She, like all these other Bootleg Kim Kardashians, have gone crazy on the milk filled tits, the botox and fillers, and look as stupid and clownlike as a Kardashian, because I guess that porn look, when tanned, is what people think is hot..

The fact is Naya Rivera isn’t alone in this shit, it’s fucking everywhere, people want to look like Kim Kardashian – and that makes no sense to me, since Kim K looks like a tranny and always has, that’s really the basis of why Kanye is with her…


Naya Rivera To Play Kim Kardashian in the Kardashian Biopic of the Day February 24th, 2016