Lena Dunham Shows Us Why She Spent a Lot of Time Writing of the Day

So Lena Dunham is a fat chick activist, and to connect with her fans, she’s gone after a magazine that featured her:

“Oh hello El Pais! I am genuinely honored to be on your cover and so happy you licensed a pic by @ruvenafanador, who always makes me feel gorgeous.

BUT this is NOT what my body has ever looked like or will ever look like – the magazine has done more than the average photoshop. So if you’re into what I do, why not be honest with your readers? Much love, Lena.””

What a hero to the body shaming movement….Don’t look at her with disgust or try to make her easier to digest….let the world see that she’s digusting as she tries to digest all that food she just ate…

I always used to say that the actual beautiful girls in the world aren’t the ones photoshopping themselves on instagram. They aren’t the ones in the magazines or movies, unless some kind of fluke happened where they got a modeling job from someone who saw them out at some club or grocery store.

The beautiful girls are too busy living life being beautiful….They are secure in their good times, that they don’t need to worry about selfies and updating their social media or going to auditions, to grow their audience…unless of course they have an ugly person or dude behind the scenes trying to exploit them or help them “market”….

Sure, that theory is pretty much changed, since everyone is fucking keen to have an audience now, with dreams of fame and fortune, in narcissism and vapid insecurities…

BUT…Lena Dunham is old enough to be ugly enough to sit at her desk and write about being ugly, because surely other girls out there are ugly like her, and if she uses her resources, will be able to reach those girls, and those be an ambassador of lazy sloth slob pig with confidence enough to walk around naked despite offending everyone with eyes looking on, except maybe fatter girls than her, in some sacrificing her dignity for content, because it pays her millions.

SHE knows she’s disgusting, but she also knows Other people are disgusting, and that dudes will fuck disgusting…even Lena Dunham. So what she’s doing isn’t brave, it’s crass, like me walking around thanking people at stores or restaurants by showing my asshole, because I have an asshole, and this concept that just because I have one, since eveyrone has one, I should show it…but the truth is, the world only wants to see an asshole that’s not shit covered, hemorrhoid ridden and possibly hosting worms…

Lena Dunham is celebrated by the fat girls, but even they know she’s a fucking pig and should probably wear the snow suit not the bikini…

She’s the offensive flashing old man at the school yard – who gets off showing kids his dick, but the fat girl version.

If anything, she’s a fucking sex offender…who should spend less time intellectualizing her slobby life, or celebrating her “body shaming” life…and more time not eating the fucking dessert cart at her 5 star luxury hotel….you know they have gym’s in hotels, you don’t need to make everything a fucking eating contest…

The fact she’s got a show, that she’s on TV, that she’s in magazines, is a fail from America…because she’s a fucking terrorist.

Lena Dunham Shows Us Why She Spent a Lot of Time Writing of the Day March 3rd, 2016