Charisma Carpenter in a Bikini of the Day

People get so mad at me when I shit on Charisma Carpenter…

I think those people are just the superfan weirdos who know who Charisma Carpenter is…because she’s nothing, a nobody, if you asked anyone under 40, most would have no idea who the fuck Charisma Carpenter is…except maybe a handful…of very weird dudes who watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer and jerked off to her, which is coincidentally 90 percent of my audience, because people I know in real life, or “cool” people, or people with any social skills, are not people who check sites that make fun of celebrity twats, they’re too busy fucking real twats….

But the people who read sites like this, probably watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer, over and over and over, probably have tattoos of the show on their chest, they are the people I write for, because why would anyone cool check in on this bullshit, so that is why I post this 50 year old actress in her bikini, even though you can see her naked in Playboy from when she was hot…I mean she looks good for 50…but she’s still fucking 50….

Charisma Carpenter in a Bikini of the Day March 4th, 2016