Kendall Jenner Punches a Paparazzi of the Day

I saw that Kendall Jenner was trending on the internet for having Blonde Hair the other day, which led me to tweeting “I can’t believe we live in a world where Kendall Jenner’s Blonde Hair is a News Story”…


I don’t care when anyone in my immediate life, which is a pug and a fat wife, get their hair done…why the fuck would Kendall Jenner’s hair be anything worth even talking about. What makes this “Truman Show” puppet someone people talk about, and why the fuck do anyone care that she’s changed her fucking tween brat hair…it’s terrifying.

The only time I’d want to see her trending is if she murder /suicided her entire family when she realizes that she was t

I mean it is a family that put one of the girls into porn to get ahead, to have the opportunity to whore every last one of them, in what would be considered abusive parenting, but I guess not abusive enough for the young one to lose her fucking mind and kill them all off..

Instead, she just punches the paparazzi to demonstrate what being a coddled, egotistical, narcissist who is totally unappreciative of the job or life she has, because it just happened for her…but maybe that internal rage should be internalized until she fucking explodes.

Would be more interesting if she was the martyr who offed the whole fucking family…

I like that GIGI is in on this, she’s probably saying “do you know who I am, do you know who my dad is”…to which 90 percent of the world said “no”…

Rich kids, who aren’t even that cute…must die.

Where’s the video?

Kendall Jenner Punches a Paparazzi of the Day March 7th, 2016