Anna Ewers Rhymes with Sewers for W April of the Day

The photographer is VICE’s original cover photographer Ryan McGinley, who like VICE has gone totally fucking mainstream, because mainstream is where the money is, and now all these hipster “artists” from the late 90s are billionaires…and why the fuck not, it’s better than the same blue blooded assholes perpetuating bullshit, exploiting the poor…I’ll take my billionaires ex heroin using, drunks from the mean streets of Montreal..before becoming enterprising social climbers documenting cool, which and of itself is so not fucking cool…

Well, he shot Anna Ewers, who rhymes with sewers and who reminds me that I’d human centipede her she’s so good, just to have her ass in my face..I don’t care what weird model shit she ate, and what weird model shit I’m eating, I’d just bathe in her septic tank knowing it came from her.

I’m romantic like that…

But not as romantic as this fashion shoot in the Making of a Murderer scrap yard…high concept, maybe not, but still a better concept than “girl in bed”…from instagram…

I dig it…

Anna Ewers Rhymes with Sewers for W April of the Day March 10th, 2016