Kylie Jenner Bikini Selfie of the Day

I guess it’s family tradition to post pictures of their whore selves for their followers who I will never understand…but who exist and are plentiful and who make these idiots relevant, idols, icons, rich as fuck and allow the to perpetuate their lies…

I’ve seen Kylie Jenner in person and at 18 she so battered by shitty plastic surgery or bad make-up and her body is as modified as her dad’s, bitch has to have the fat sucked out of her stomach, re-inserted in her ass, making for this level of weird looking, that takes big black cock, because she can’t feel anything below her waist, it’s always in a state of numbness so that whenever doctor is in for Kim, she can hop in and get her treatments too.

I don’t see how this does anyone any good, sure you can argue, feminist, that she’s a girl making money like a boss, but I’d argue she’s a puppet objectifying herself, giving other girls negative body image all while selling garbage product to them….because she can.

She’s the devil..the half naked, weirdly shaped devil, but you don’t care about that, you just care about the pussy definition in her bikini bottoms…


Kylie Jenner Bikini Selfie of the Day March 10th, 2016