Emily Ratajkowski’s 1800 View video of the Day

I like tracking irrelevance…especially when that irrelevance is in the form of an ego, who thinks she’s important and of value, and who charges brands a lot of money to promote their products, like a bootleg Kardashian who likely has the same plastic surgeon, because of that whole being LA thing…

So Em Rata was an instagram model, who wasn’t even really that good at instagram, who cleverly did a nude shoot because she has great tits, and those tits changed her fucking life, they got her in a music video, put her on the map and got her fucked by Ben Affleck for his movie, totally legitimizing her…garnering millions of fan…not including me, since she blocked me…

And now this mall brand called Express put out a video of her 14 days ago, which is a lifetime in internet terms…

And it got 1800 views…

1800 people out of her “engaged”, obsessed, fan base watched the video…because no one fucking cares bitch, just keep showing us the tits..

At least, for her, she managed to trick this brand to probably bay her 100,000 dollars or more, when she converts for shit…

The end is near…because she’s not even hot…she’s just a fucking lie…a lie no one believes in…except maybe her boyfriend she probably cheats on….for opprotunity…because take what your bird face can get…right…I say stick to showing us your tits.

Here are the shitty pics..

Emily Ratajkowski’s 1800 View video of the Day March 15th, 2016