Christina Milian in a Bikini of the Day

The problem I have with social media is how annoying or lame a self involved cunt a bitch needs to be to stand around with her phone doing these ridiculous selfies for her fans, for the sole purpose of showing off her body to get praise or dudes to jerk off to her…it’s impossible to be present or interesting or even doing good for yourself, when you’re sitting by the pool acting like this asshole in a fake photoshoot….you cheesy bitch.

The problem I don’t have with social media is lame self involved cunts in half naked content they shamelessly produce for themselves, for free, for no reason other than to say “check out my mom body”…all while promoting skin cancer…

I’m so torn and based on the facts presented to us…so is Christina Milian

Christina Milian in a Bikini of the Day March 18th, 2016