Em Rat Cow Tormenting Me with Pugs of the Day

Emily Ratajkowski is a sensitive soul, at least when it comes to her, she hates being made fun of, while most of these self involved narcissists who love making duck faces and staring at themselves in the mirror. The kind of girl who you catch watching herself on her phone, staring at herself through her camera phone…and she’s made a lucrative career out of it…while most girls like her just expect it to happen for them…without work..all part of that thinking they are amazing, self love, bullshit…

I’ve made fun of her consistently since day one, but that doesn’t mean I hate her, I don’t even know her or care about her. I just see her as tits, who pull out their tits, which is awesome, but ruined because the tits aren’t given credit they deserve and she thinks she actually has talent beyond her tits, making for a very terrible place..

But It turns out that her family has a pug, and I have a pug, and I live for my pug, and love all pugs, to the point that when I see one I point and scream “PUG” like a 4 year old girl, or a retard, or a bieber fan in concert…you know what I’m saying…and that is for the first time, I’ve genuinely felt emotion beyond “I get what the whore is doing for attention with those tits” by looking at her pics, and I feel so tormented, but not really, as a pug lover I’ve known that Pugs make all situations, even shitty ones, perfect…but then you realize that the Pug is probably her pug she abandoned at her parent’s house when she decided to go get famous, and that just makes her a Pug abandoner and we hate those more than we hate pug haters…

Pugs are very important..

Em Rat Cow Tormenting Me with Pugs of the Day March 28th, 2016