Kendall Jenner and her Groupie Park in Handicapped Spots of the Day

I am not the kind of person who really cares about policing handicapped parking, but I still never park in handicapped parking, even though it’s convenient as fuck. I am the kind of guy who tries to convince anyone I know with an injury to get a Handicapped parking sign that we can color photocopy and put in all our cars so we will get the VIP parking people who can’t walk due to disease or injury, but more importantly Kendall Jenner and her groupie deserve….

You see, when you’re a self involved spoiled cunt, who thinks she’s too busy in life to waste driving around in circles looking for parking, especially when you’ve hired the paparazzi to come shoot you walk into Yoga because you’re doing a campaign for a fitness brand, and part of the millions, include an instagram pic and being seen by the paparazzi in it…

She could argue that she’s so famous that if she was walking a block or two, or paying the meter, she’d be ransacked…and give her a break, her mother is her pimp and her dad turned himself into her mom…she’s not from a well rounded place.

I would argue, that despite all that is working against her in her life of luxury, she’s a fucking cunt, overrated, not a model, and just a product pushing puppet on some AVON lady level being used by brands to increase sales…and not being used by brands because they think she has anything to offer…

The reality is, she’s the kind of girl who is so into herself, absorbed in her entitlement that she’d probably fight an actual handicapped person to get the spot…

Garbage, and she’s not even hot…and either is her groupie…the Baldwin shadow who follows her everywhere….

Kendall Jenner and her Groupie Park in Handicapped Spots of the Day March 29th, 2016