Mariah Carey Panties in Pantyhose of the Day

Mariah Carey is marrying a billionaire, she’s probably worth well over 200 million dollar herself, making the billionaire think he’s not getting in with a gold digger, but rather a successful celebrity with the voice of an angel, who has gone out there and made it her own way, a way people probably forget involved being married to the head of her label….which in and of itself is gold digging…

Talent aside, her career fully based on prostitution.

So when she’s posting pics of her ass in panties on her instagram, like a classy billionaire’s wife, or a classy multi multi millionaire superstar probably shouldn’t, you have to remember how she got where she got with what she had…because lots of girls can sing, not all girls who can sing can become Mariah Carey…

Doesn’t matter, because I appreciate this kind of behavior, just a rich girl who thinks she’s looking good in a way girls normally pretend they don’t like being looked at…the up stair upskirt, something men everywhere are familiar with, I mean some of my favorite years were when I used to wait at the bottom of stairs at the mall just to follow girl in skirts upstairs, I was unemployed, it was my fitness…

What I am saying is that I am into this..

Mariah Carey Panties in Pantyhose of the Day April 4th, 2016