Willa Holland Eats Pizza of the Day

Willa Holland eating pizza is a bit of a fetish…

Not because I am a drunkenstepfather and she was raised as Brian De Palma’s stepdaughter, thanks to having some gold digging whore mother…that has raised her to have her own career and celebrity so that they don’t have to keep sucking dick for the 20 million dollar mansion.

I used to jerk off to a De Palma movie called Dressed to Kill because there’s a scene with a blonde bush, in an era where I didn’t have access to porn, but I did and still do have a bush fetish…I’d pause that VHS so fucking hard…sure it wasn’t Scarface or the Untouchables…or even Nic Cage’s Snake Eyes…but that bush scene was De Palma’s legacy…I mean…unless he was a good stepfather to Willa Holland and brought her us…

The interesting thing with Willa Holland is that she’s become a hipster, self producing content creator, building her own personal brand like an instagram model, when she’s not on TV making money as an actor…since everyone needs hobbies, even people with mainstream success, maybe especially people with mainstream success, because mainstream usually means trading in your soul, integrity, art to make producers happy.

The reality is, I know very little about Willa Holland or her motivations in PIZZA porn…I just know she was the hotter girl in the OC, when watching the OC got me laid by college girls…it was a simpler time…but I guess I’m still pretty simple, since girl in sports bra eating pizza is all I need to feel complete in my soul.

Willa Holland Eats Pizza of the Day April 18th, 2016