Chelsea Handler’s Newest Nude of the Day


Chelsea Handler proves that getting naked gets people to notice you. She’s like a toddler who has been told not to spread their feces all over the living room wall…spreading their feces all over the living room wall..because kids are coddled little assholes who have a me-mentality due to helicopter, high anxiety parents, who neglect them because they are too busy taking a fucking selfie…

Only she’s 100 years old, out of a show, or trying to promote her new show…just tapping into her early career where getting naked got her gigs, or paid her rent…you gotta do what you got to do…Maybe she is putting herself out there for the sake of content, you know sacrifice her dignity, knowing her body isn’t that offensive, but still sacrificing her dignity, putting it all out there to show us how raw and honest and old she is, or how fake her tits are…

I’m not into old chicks, you shouldn’t be either…but more importantly, I am not into abrasive cunts who are condescending for the sake of comedy, and who the people buy into, when they should shun her for the bully she is, especially when she’s not even hot…but rather angry she never made it as a real hollywood star, just someone whining or being rude to stars, because that’s all she can be…a critic..a naked critic…


Chelsea Handler’s Newest Nude of the Day April 20th, 2016