Kylie Jenner in a Bikini for Instagram of the Day

Kylie Jenner is such a little fucking pig of a girl. Her face so mangled she looks like all the bootleg kardashians on social media with their faces them this old weathered stripper look at 18…I’d say she’s become pug faced, with those big puffy chemically filled cheeks, but I am a pug owner and pugs are everything and there is no way I’d like to compare this garbage to something so majestic…however, I do think you could pull off a parody of the Kardashians staring pugs, but the pugs will probably have more intellectual things to say than a Kardashian…

What I’m getting at is we can hope the Kardashians end, and the biggest victim of the clan will be this one, unaware of what life outside of Karadashian is, self destructing when no one cares about her lips or make-up…left with lots of money she can use to buy drugs to hopefully overdose on…

She’s just a doughy, looks like meat is stapled onto her…racially ambiguous monster…cultural appropriator despite being void of culture while being totally representative of American culture…

Kylie Jenner in a Bikini for Instagram of the Day April 25th, 2016