Big Tits on House of Cards of the Day

Anastacia McPherson is the actress in House of Cards with the big tits that match her big belly…big tits that you will look at like she was your mom and you were a baby hungry to be fed, only your mom was a drug addict hooker who left you to starve, leading to you being taken away from the church, sold to American sex cult leaders, never to see her or her AIDS again…..not that I know anything about that…

But I do know about fat strippers, or actors hired to play fat strippers, and that is that they may have great tits, which is why you’re in the strip club in the first place, but the lap dances are lazy, less enthusastic, out of breath…and disgusting…hence why they charge less…except to black guys…who pay more for this kind of good time…

I’ve never seen House of Cards, I don’t know this actress who is not Elle Macpherson… but I’ve seen the tits on the show…and that seems like a better use of my time…big juicy tits…

Big Tits on House of Cards of the Day April 27th, 2016