Hormonal and Pregnant Bar Refaeli Bikini of the Day

Bar Refaeli is pregnant and apprently having a personal crisis wanting attention….because before being pregnant she posted zero bikini pics – unless it was to promote her bikini..but since being married and pregnant – it’s like every fucking day…when everyone who has seen a pregnant girl in a bikini who doesn’t have a ready to drop fetish knows that a bikini is not a pregnant girl’s best friend…and should be reserved for the privacy of her own home…for her husband to remember that he married Leo’s ex girlfriend 10 years after leo, something some rich guys see as a stamp of approval…

Let him look at her, to see how he knocked her up and destroyed her…in a way that she’ll be a shell of who she was…at least her vagina will be…and that the end is near for her sex appeal…and he’ll be forced to look at it every night and remember….that he shouldn’t have signed up for this or been so eager…but thank god there’s always divorce..and affairs…

Hormonal and Pregnant Bar Refaeli Bikini of the Day April 28th, 2016