Josephine Skriver for David Bellemere in Marie Claire Italy of the Day

Josephine Skriver is the robot, AI, genetically modified, designer DNA, freak…who will probably end up getting a horrible cancer thanks to the early technology of genetic engineering…I mean she was built in the lap, in a test tube, from her biologist homosexual father, and her lesbian donor egg mother…in a lab probably financed by Victoria’s Secret, in a country where cloning and doing “god’s work”…even though GOD is an alien…in selecting hair color, eye color, height and other things…that created Josephine Skriver…

I think I’ve already posted these pics by David Bellemere, who in the event you didn’t know, is one of the top nude model photographers in recent years, who has gone from taking pics of random girls naked…to Victoria’s Secret models…because I guess Victoria’s Secret is trying to be edgy enough to keep up with Instagram…and this shoot is probably a behind the scenes on location for Victoria’s Secret, that they are double dipping in PR by sending them off to magazines that’ll run the feature…it’s good for business…

She’s an it girl, literall…can you consider genetically modified test tube babies anything but an it…and she’s magical…but not really…it’s all based on science which disproves magic…

Josephine Skriver for David Bellemere in Marie Claire Italy of the Day April 28th, 2016