Pia Mia Perez for Nylon of the Day


Pia Mia Perez is some US Guam born porn star…who isn’t actually a porn star, she was just whored out by stage parents who sent her to mainland AMERICA instead of making her work the US GUAM airforce base strip club…because she was 14 at the time and GUAM isn’t Thailand…

You could argue that she was exploited by her parents, or maybe they were just trying to help her, but either way she got a huge following on social media from very little acting work, as the industry hates ethnic people…

I guess they figured that acting was a joke, those idiots don’t get paid, so they got her into music…mainly the hip hip scene which is today’s pop music and with pop music comes fake tits…

And now Nylon is featuring them on their new music bullshit…

She’s a social media superstar, has a strong fan base, isn’t happy with the millions she probably makes in Youtube money, and now wants a legit career…and it is working…and this is her PR…

Pia Mia Perez for Nylon of the Day May 2nd, 2016